Raymond T. Quatro, M.D.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Our collection rate is higher with MD Billing than it had been with previous services. I have no reservations in recommending them in this capacity.
John M. Baird, M.D.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
I found Pat and the employees of MDB&C to be most likeable, trustworthy and extremely conscientious as they serviced my billing and collection needs.
Susan M. Burress, M.D.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
They were committed to providing quality coding, submission, and collection of debts. Never did I have a question that went unaddressed nor a concern that was ignored. Their commitment was an integral part of making my practice successful.
James Dodds, M.D.
Orthopedic Surgeon
MD Billing is your ANSWER for billing and collecting concerns. They are responsive, cooperative, knowledgeable, and RELENTLESS. Your hard-earned money is not yours until it is collected and MD Billing won’t quit until every cent is collected! I would not even think about another alternative.
Mark J. Pascuzzi, M.D.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
I have found Pat’s assistance to be invaluable in navigating the difficult waters of modern day medical practice. She is tremendously ethical, honest, and very reliable in all of her dealings with me over the years.
Jeanne M. O’Nan, M.D.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
… often noticed issues that we were not even aware of. I always felt she treated our practice as if it were her own and worked to help it run efficiently. MD Billing always set higher than normal standards as their goals (i.e. percent in AR, time in AR, etc) – and always exceeded them.
Laura Chamberlain, RMA, BPT
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Was able to overcome numerous obstacles and help us establish a very extensive and successful OB/GYN practice.
Larry S. Butler, M.D.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
In My 26 years of private practice, they have no question outperformed anyone who I have been professionally exposed to. They have foundation of integrity which will become obvious to anyone and they have achieved our complete trust. My partners and I wouldn’t make a significant decision about the practice without their input.
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